Essential informations about the competition


The competition begins at 12 CET on 22th of October, and lasts until 12 CET on the 2nd of November, 2009.


  • 1th prize: Amazon books selected by the contestant for the price of 75 Euros
  • 2nd prize: Amazon books selected by the contestant for the price of 45 Euros
  • 3rd prize: Amazon books selected by the contestant for the price of 30 Euros
  • Special prize: Amazon books selected by the contestant for the price of 20 Euros
  • Semilab - special prize: One contestant who provides the best solution for the 24th problem will win the 335-Euro special award, from Semilab Hungary.

Sending solutions

Solutions can be sent by mail, fax, or email (in LATEX, TEX, pdf or Postscript formats). Contestants are asked not to use very special LATEX style files unless included in the sent file(s). Electronically submitted solutions should be accompanied—in a separate e-mail—by the contents and, if necessary, a description explaining how to open it.

Postal Address: Fizikus Diákkör, Dávid Gyula, ELTE TTK Atomfizika Tanszék,
H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, HUNGARY
Fax: Dávid Gyula, 36-1-36722753 or Cserti József, 36-1-3722866